Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning, we lazed by the pool. Owen must have been drinking the water or something--he had to pee every 30 minutes, at least. He would never admit that he had to go...and I don't think he did it in the pool. Why do I think that? 'Cause he'd do some interesting dancing, with his elbows pulled back, and high step jumping around. He looked like a chicken and earned the name "Chicken Man." Honestly--the first Spanish words out of my mouth during the trip were "dónde están los baños, por favor?" Not sure if the woman understood my Spanish, or the urgency of the chicken dance, but we found los baños quickly.
We also made a trip to the local supermarket, Mega, and bought some rations for the week ahead. Sunglasses (we forgot sunglasses!!!), pastries from the bakery (I bought the ones I didn't recognize), salsa from the salsa bar, liquor (no Triple Sec! Thank goodness my bartender brother Ryan--good to have a personal bartender on vacation--knew what would make a good substitute)... I also bought papaya, since it was so cheap! I love mangoes, but haven't bought papaya in the US before because I'm too cheap. Now I know that I'm not missing anything. Gross.
Another interesting thing we found at Mega...timeshare recruiters. Or better said--they found us. If you are a married couple in a Mexican tourist destination, they will find you and promise you the world...for just 90 minutes of your time, to hear about the fabulous resort, Blah Blah Blah. We signed up for one that Juan Alberto Medina Molina was offering (turned out to be a nice one, but no, we didn't buy). He promised us $2500 pesos (about $180 dollars). Sweet! When he picked us up Monday morning, he showed us our "agreement"--$1500 pesos. No way José (I mean Juan). After much back and forth, we agreed to $1500 pesos, a gift certificate to a "really nice restaurant" in Cabo San Lucas, and another $500 pesos that he would pay us that afternoon. He even gave me his work ID to show he was sincere in promising the $500 pesos. Ummm....sincere Mexican timeshare recruiter? I think not. He was nowhere to be found that afternoon...but I do have his ID. Souvenir and lesson learned. All in one.
What a great photo of Guyan! Cute ones of Owen too, but I love the one of your cool dude.
Aaw, your kids make cute pool dudes. I like the one of Owen half asleep in the airplane.
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