So I still like to read my friends' blogs, and I knew that I had been slacking on our blog. Facebook is just so quick and easy, you know? When I logged into our blog today, though, I was reminded that it has been NEARLY A YEAR since I last posted. Oopsie. Not sure if anyone is reading it anymore, but just in case...
So just the last week in review...We went on our first annual family camp with the Read/Young and Bergman families up to Silver Lake. FABULOUS time. The kids, ages 7 to 13, all had a blast. The adults did too! The kids' favorite parts were night bike rides with Mr. Cool/Dad, playing in their fort (I don't even know where it was, just that it kept them occupied), and shooting video clips for a zombie movie.
Henry, Riley, and Guyan in their fort...wherever it was.
My favorite part was a hike to Skyline Divide, the same hike Sean and I did on our second or third date, many moons ago (fourteen years...that'd be about 182 moons).
The drive up to the hike was a *tad* longer (like, 11 miles-on-a-dirt-road longer) than I remembered, so I was feeling quite guilty about the promise to everyone that we'd be back at the campsite by lunch. The only food we had in the car (besides Breakfast Cookies we'd planned on taking on the hike) was a watermelon and junk cereal. Given that Sean wanted a workout, he offered to carry the ~25 pound watermelon to the top of the hike in a backpack. A tradition has been born.
Guyan with a well-deserved rest at the Skyline Divide.
Can you find the happy hiking dog? Hint: she is on-leash.
And finally, our Cool Family Tradition...Tree Pose.
(I feel like I should offer a prize to the first person that reads this post...not counting those that get the automatic email and have it "force-fed" to them. Not that I will offer a prize, but just so you know...thanks for reading, and I *hope* to be more consistent in the future).